Get your PgMP® Certification on your first attempt [4th Ed]..93% off udemy coupon code

omnia elsadawy
Udemy coupon.................................This course helps you to get your PgMP® certification on your first attempt.
It is developed based on “The Standard for Program Management – FOURTH Edition” which was PMI certified in 2017. This course adopts all PMI publications related to the Program Management until 2018. 

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Get your PgMP® Certification on your first attempt [4th Ed]

This course helps the PgMP certified professional to earn 5 PDUs in PgMP CCR program with these details: Education, Online Digital Media, and then PgMP Technical.
This course helps the PMP certified professional to earn 5 PDUs in PMP CCR program with these details: Education, Online Digital Media, and then PMP Technical.  
This course covers the standards part of program management as per the PMI standards in a simpler and visual way, augmented with long practical experience in program management, and prepare you for tips, tricks and one complete mock test to pass your PgMP certification exam on your first attempt.  
This course has unique charts created by the experienced instructor to visualize the program management domains and their relationship with the program life cycle.  It simplifies the concepts of the program management and provides the examinees with exam tips and tricks that help them grow a sense of what they will face in the exam.  It clarifies the confusion regarding some terms that may be considered similar like: quality and grade, management and governance, audit and benchmarking,…and more.  
This course is developed by an instructor who passed the PfMP®, PgMP® and PMP® Exams on his first attempt, so it contains examination tips that help you a lot in passing the PgMP® exam on the first time.  This course reflects the flavor of the questions that you are going to see on the exam.  Besides, it covers different examples of each type of the commonly found questions on the PgMP® Exam model; including the regular question, table question, and question set. 

This course includes guidelines and tips to help you in writing the application for the PgMP® Exam and it also includes some quizzes to orient you with the question style in the real PgMP® exam.
Who this course is for:
  • This course is for the professionals who are looking for passing the Program Management Professional ( PgMP® ) certification, of PMI, on their first attempt.
  • This course is for the program managers who want to enhance their skills by understanding the standards of program management from PMI in easier and more presentable way.
  • This course helps the PMP Professional who is looking for PDUs and want to learn program management at the same time.
  • This course helps the PgMP Professional who is looking for PDUs and want to polish their program management skills.
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