Become a SuperLearner® 2: Learn Speed Reading & Boost Memory | improve study skills course coupon


Become a SuperLearner® 2: Learn Speed Reading & Boost Memory | improve study skills course coupon 

The original course to learn faster & more easily using the skills of the worlds fastest readers & memory record holders

Become a SuperLearner® 2: Learn Speed Reading & Boost Memory | improve study skills course coupon 

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One of the Best Selling Udemy Courses of All Time - New and Improved Version 2.5! No Counterfeits! After over 50,000 satisfied students on the original course, Become a SuperLearner® has been updated, updated and improved from the ground up. In this course, you'll learn how to hack your study, reading, and memory skills to help you learn all things faster and more effectively. Whether you are a student, a professional, or just starting a new hobby, you have to deal with an ever-increasing amount of information and knowledge. In fact, the New York Times is believed to have published more information in a week than people encountered in a lifetime 100 years ago. We all know how frustrating an ever-growing reading list can be, how hard it can be to pick up a new language, or how you forget what you've learned about your favorite subjects. Anyone can develop SuperLearning skills! This course is about improving your ability to learn new skills or information quickly and effectively. We go far beyond the kinds of "speed-reading" (or glorified skimming) you may have been exposed to, diving into the actual cognitive and neurological factors that make learning easier and more successful. We also give you advanced memory techniques to grapple with the huge loads of information you'll be able to process. You'll learn how to input and retain information in a whole new way - a faster, better way The core of this SuperLearning course involves 3 "Super Skills": Speed-reading with high (80% ) comprehension and understanding Memory techniques for storing and recalling vast amounts of information quickly and accurately Developing the cognitive infrastructure to support this flood of new information long-term However, the SuperLearning skills you'll learn in this course are applicable to many aspects of your every day life, from remembering phone numbers to acquiring new skills or even speaking new languages. How this new course will change your life and triple your learning speed: The sad irony is that in order to learn most of these superlearning skills and memory techniques in the past, you had to read dozens of books and psychological journals. Or I had to hire an expensive tutor who specializes in superlearning. that's what i did. And it changed my life. Luckily, my instructors (superlearning, mnemonic, and speed reading experts) have agreed to help transform their material into the first-ever digital course. This “Become a SuperLearner™ 1.0” course has taken the internet by storm, making him one of the top courses in Udemy's history and resulting in a best-selling and ranked podcast. How is SuperLearner® 1.0 different? Over the past two years, we have received tens of thousands of data points and feedback from 50,000 students that have helped us improve both our methodology and teaching methods. This new course has more (and better) content than ever before. All-new talks on topics that have never been covered before! Hands-on demo videos on all key concepts Dramatically improved video and audio quality Interactive worksheets to print and fill out Even more complementary resources! I can confidently say that this is the best and most comprehensive accelerated learning product we have ever released. This course requires 2-3 hours of memory and speed reading practice and training per week and lasts approximately 7-9 weeks. It won't be easy, but if you put in the effort, you will definitely succeed. In addition to the lectures, there are 1.5 hours of additional video content of his from TED, YouTube, and other sources that are considered part of the curriculum. SuperLearner® and "Become a SuperLearner®" are registered trademarks of SuperHuman Enterprises, LLC. Who is this course for: People who have always wanted to learn more effectively Avid Learners Students Professionals Enthusiasts


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