Gaslighting In The Workplace | Human Resources course 19% off coupon


Gaslighting In The Workplace |   Human Resources course  19% off coupon 


Don't be manipulated by others, keep your self-confidence high, and avoid workplace gaslighting by knowing exactly where you stand without allowing other people to make you doubt yourself!


It's not enough to learn what gaslighting is and recognize when it happens. You must also know what to do as next steps, and how to prevent it from happening in the future. You will learn which steps to take next, what to consider in confronting the person doing the gaslighting (the gaslighter), the risks involved, and when to escalate the matter to HR.


Sometimes you will need to address gaslighting right there and then, in the moment it occurs. For this, you will need to be equipped with assertive communication skills. After this course covers how to recognize gaslighting, one of the skills you'll learn in this course is how to use assertive communication to stand up for yourself in a manner that's respectful, fair, and kind to you and others.


Another skill you will need is the ability to give and take feedback in a professional manner. Learning how to do this correctly will help you recognize when it's being done incorrectly. That skill will also protect you from workplace gaslighting, and help you assert yourself!

Invest in your future! Enroll today!


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