Master Strategic Design for Matchmaking Platforms like Uber | Bestseller Online Business course 19% off


Master Strategic Design for Matchmaking Platforms like Uber | Bestseller Online Business course 19% off

Ideate your Online Business or Enhance Your Existing One with the Power of Multi-Sided Platforms like Uber or AirBnb!

Udemy Bestseller Online Business course 

Master Strategic Design for Matchmaking Platforms like Uber | Bestseller Online Business course 19% off


By the end of this course, you will:

  1. Understand multi-sided platforms and network effects

  2. Develop an entrepreneurial mindset for tackling multi-sided platforms' specific challenges

  3. Identify value-creation opportunities

  4. Design your entrepreneurial path and value proposition

  5. Define suitable user groups for your platform

  6. Map out your platform's ecosystem and stakeholders

  7. Create a winning business model and strategy

Tools for Learning
Throughout the course, you'll benefit from:

  1. Engaging lectures that unpack key concepts

  2. Exercises to reinforce learning

  3. Hands-on and best cases examples

  4. An in-depth case study

  5. Expert interviews offering unique insights

Don't miss this opportunity to harness the potential of multi-sided platforms and achieve your dreams. Enroll today and become the business person you've always wanted to be!

discount code:  UDEAFFDB06

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 Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE or Huge discount

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