Basic SQL, API Testing by Postman,JMeter,Selenium | 100% free SQL course


Basic SQL, API Testing by Postman,JMeter,Selenium | 100% free SQL course 

IT & Software,SQL,udemy,
Basic SQL, API Testing by Postman,JMeter,Selenium | 100% free SQL course 


Students can learn Basic SQL, API Testing by Postman, JMeter Performance Testing. SQL Which I am going to teach it will be useful for both Software Test Engineers and Data Analysts.  In JMeter video, I have explained how to record a video using Blaze meter and upload the JMX File into the JMeter .In SQL video I have explained how to write and execute sql queries like  Where, And, Or, Not, Order By, Insert Into, Null Values, Update, Delete, Select Top, Min and Max, Count, Avg, Sum. At Present I am releasing a demo videos, later I will come up with whole course.Students can learn Basic SQL, API Testing by Postman, JMeter Performance Testing. SQL Which I am going to teach it will be useful for both Software Test Engineers and Data Analysts.  In JMeter video, I have explained how to record a video using Blaze meter and upload the JMX File into the JMeter .In SQL video I have explained how to write and execute sql queries like  Where, And, Or, Not, Order By, Insert Into, Null Values, Update, Delete, Select Top, Min and Max, Count, Avg, Sum. At Present I am releasing a demo videos, later I will come up with whole course.

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