Fundamentals of Business Strategy | 100% free Business Strategy course coupon code


Fundamentals of Business Strategy | 100% free Business Strategy course coupon code 

Walk through the journey of building the business strategy

Fundamentals of Business Strategy | 100% free Business Strategy course coupon code 


Fundamentals of Digital Transformation is a course designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the digital transformation process. The course covers a wide range of topics, including Introduction, Concepts, Business Planning, Building Organization Strategy, Organization Transformation, Strategy Execution & Detailing, Governance and Operating Model, and Reporting & Performance Monitoring.

The introduction covers the basics of digital transformation and how it has been used to drive organizational change.

Section 1: Concepts provides an overview of digital transformation and the key concepts associated with it.

Section 2: Business Planning covers the development of a business plan, the impact of digital transformation on the business model, and the development of a strategy to achieve the desired outcomes.

Section 3: Building Organization Strategy covers the strategies needed to effectively implement digital transformation and the tools and methods used to develop and execute the strategy.

Section 4: Organization Transformation, Strategy Execution & Detailing covers the process of organization transformation, the strategies and tactics used to execute the transformation, and the tools and techniques used to measure success.

Section 5: Governance and Operating Model cover the development of a governance model and operating model that are necessary for successful digital transformation.

Finally, Section 6: Reporting and Performance Monitoring covers the development of reporting and performance monitoring processes and systems that are used to track progress and measure success.


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 Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE or Huge discount

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