HTML and CSS in depth | Free Mobile and Web Development course


HTML and CSS in depth | Free Mobile and Web Development course 

This course is part of Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate

Free coursera course 

coursera,Mobile Development,Computer Science,Web Development,
HTML and CSS in depth | Free Mobile and Web Development course 


In this course, you’ll use software development tools like HTML to build attractive web pages that work well—and you’ll use structured semantic data to control how websites appear to the end user.

You will then dive deeper into CSS by applying increasingly specific styling to various elements. You’ll learn to use Bootstrap’s grid system to create layouts and work with components and themes. Finally, you’ll explore debugging and learn how it can be utilized to banish common front-end errors. By the end of this course you will be able to: • Create a simple form with a responsive layout using HTML5 and CSS • Create a responsive layout using CSS • Create a UI using Bootstrap • Implement debugging tools This is a beginner course for learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in front-end development. To succeed in this course, you do not need prior development experience, only basic internet navigation skills and an eagerness to get started with coding.

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