The essentials for writing a compelling research paper | Free Academic Writing course


The Essentials for Writing a compelling research paper | Free Academic Writing Course 

A comprehensive guide to writing effective research papers

Free Udemy course 



Essentials of Writing a research paper is a practical course that is precisely designed to guide you into writing an effective research paper.

The course first introduces you to the research process to give you an overview of major sections required in a research paper.

Choosing the right topic for your research paper is made easier with the guideline provided in this course.

The formula for writing a strong introduction that grabs the attention of readers and puts across the objectives, research questions and rationale for the study is provided.

This course further dives into the process of writing a good literature review that impresses scholars and identifies the research gap. We look into methods of synthesizing sources and organizing them in a logical manner.

Writing the materials and methods section is also simplified in this course to make it easier for you to follow. A good research paper has a detailed methodology section showing readers how the study was conducted.

The results section is also covered in this course. We look at how to select the most important results in your study and how to organize and group data.

Finally we cover the Discussion section and how it should be written considering interpretations of data and recommendations.

Practical exercises are includ

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