Next.js and React 18 Bootcamp | Build a Production Site | Best Next.js course coupon code


Next.js and React 18 Bootcamp | Build a Production Site | Best Next.js course coupon code 

Best Next.js course coupon code 


The course is designed to help you achieve 3 main goals:

  • Get a thorough understanding of Next.js and React 18.

  • Gain the confidence to fully explain advanced React and Next.js topics like client vs. server components, the Next.js architecture, etc.

  • Create a production-level Next.js and React 18 project, that can be adapted into a personal portfolio, or product for a client.

Here’s a preview of the course journey:

  • Start by learning the most important React and Next.js lesson right away: the difference between client vs. server components.

  • Begin the course project, and start exploring the Next.js architecture.

  • Learn Tailwind CSS, an advanced CSS styling approach.

  • Go more into depth with server and client components.

  • Learn Next.js server actions.

  • Explore the React 18 useTransition hook.

  • Expand upon Next.js fundamentals, and create a shared layout structure.

  • Create dynamic segments with Next.js and learn generateStaticParams.

  • Explore React Suspense and React lazy.

  • Dive deeper into advanced Next.js hooks like useSelectedLayoutSegments, and useSearchParams.

  • Explore the React 18 useDeferredValue hook.

  • Learn how to deploy a Next.js application.


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 Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE or Huge discount

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