70+ JavaScript Challenges: Data Structures & Algorithms | Highest rated Programming Languages Course 33% off coupon code

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70+ JavaScript Challenges: Data Structures & Algorithms |  Highest rated Programming Languages Course 33% off coupon code 

Highest-rated Udemy Programming Languages Course


This course is for all levels as long as you have a basic understanding of things like loops, functions, arrays, etc. We are writing JavaScript in this course, but about 95% of it can translate to any other language. So even if you are a Python, PHP or C# developer, you can still follow along.

Basic Challenges:

We start with a bunch of basic challenges that have to do with iteration and loops. Things like FizzBuzz and string reversals. These are very popular questions for entry-level interviews. We also move on to solving problems with high order array methods like filter and map.


Recursion is one of the toughest things to learn in programming. We have an entire section dedicated to it with challenges that we solve using recursion.

Time & Space Complexity:

We talk about how to measure an algorithm or function's efficiency by using time and space complexity to see how the runtime and memory scale when inscreasing the input.

Data Structures: Stacks, Queues, Trees, Linked Lists, Graphs, HashMaps

We go over all of the common data structures and create our own implementation of them using JavaScript classes, but like I said, you could use any language. We also learn how to traverse them and complete challenges using them.

Sorting Algorithms:

We get into different sorting algorithms like bubble sort, insertion, selection, merge and quick sort. These are popular topics for interviews.


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