Mastering Google Docs: A Comprehensive Google Docs Course | Highest rated Google Docs Course


Mastering Google Docs: A Comprehensive Google Docs Course | Highest rated Google Docs Course  

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Mastering Google Docs: A Comprehensive Google Docs Course | Highest rated Google Docs Course  


By taking this comprehensive course in Google Docs tips and tricks, you will be able to:

  • Understand and use the basic tools of Google Docs

  • Use advanced features in Google Docs

  • Create a Google account, if you don't already have one

  • Create and customize documents in Google Docs

  • Manage activities in Google Docs, including working offline, renaming documents, and undoing and redoing actions

  • Format text and paragraphs, including managing fonts and font styles

  • Insert and manage links in Google Docs

  • Create and work with lists, including checklists, bullet lists, and numbered lists

  • Clear formatting in text in Google Docs

  • Print documents in Google Docs

  • Share and collaborate on documents with others

  • Create new documents, open existing documents, and make copies of documents in Google Docs

  • Use email, downloads, and the version history in Google Docs

  • Rename, move, and add shortcuts to Google Drive in Google Docs

  • Edit documents professionally

  • Change the view of your document

  • Insert text, WordArt, charts, SmartArt, tables, and graphics in Google Docs

  • Manage text, WordArt, charts, SmartArt, tables, and graphics in Google Docs

  • Create several projects, including invoices, tables, CVs, drawings, charts, and SmartArt

  • Insert footnotes in your document

  • Insert symbols, special characters, and equations

  • Add footers and headers to your document

  • Insert and manage sections in Google Docs

  • Format tables and other elements in Google Docs

  • Discover additional features in Google Docs

  • Manage Google Drive

Don't wait any longer, enroll in The Complete Google Docs Course -
Google Docs Tricks & Tips now to start learning and making new experiences!


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 Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE or Huge discount

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