Predictive Analytics With Neural Networks in R | Free Neural Networks course

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Predictive Analytics With Neural Networks in R | Free Neural Networks course

Free Udemy Neural Networks course


This course contains three sections.

The first section is dedicated to the basic concepts related to neural networks and predictive analytics. You will find out what multilayer perceptrons are how they learn, what procedure they employ to make predictions. Also, you’ll learn the main prediction accuracy metrics for both numeric and categorical response variables.

In the second section we’ll build and train a multilayer perceptron to predict a bank customers’ default. In other words, our response is categorical in this case. After training the network, we’ll use it to measure prediction accuracy in the test set. But that’s not all. We will also try to improve our model by manipulating various parameters of the network and test our model accuracy using the k-fold cross-validation technique.

In the third section we build and train a model with a numeric response variable. More exactly, we’ll predict car prices depending on their technical features, using a multilayer perceptron, of course. After building the model we’ll measure its accuracy on the test set, try to improve it by modifying he network parameters and, finally, validate our model using the k-fold cross-validation method. So, the same steps as in the previous section, but this time for the particular case of a numeric dependent variable.

A number of practical exercises are proposed at the end of the course. By doing these exercises you’ll actually apply in practice what you have learned.

This course is your opportunity to become familiar with neural networks very fast. With my video lectures, you will find it easy to master these major neural networks and build them in R. Everything is shown live, step by step, so you can replicate any procedure at any time you need it.

So click the “Enroll” button to get instant access to your course. It will surely provide you with new priceless skills. And, who knows, it could enhance your future career.

See you inside!

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