Comprehensive Testing with JavaScript and Sauce Labs | Free JavaScript Courses


Comprehensive Testing with JavaScript and Sauce Labs | Free JavaScript Courses 

 Free Udemy JavaScript Courses 

Development,Web Development,JavaScript,udemy,
Comprehensive Testing with JavaScript and Sauce Labs | Free JavaScript Courses 


The Comprehensive Testing with JavaScript tutorial offers a comprehensive approach to testing modern web applications, covering front-end, API, and back-end testing. The course covers various techniques such as functional testing, API testing, visual testing, and CICD with Github actions. Students will learn about API testing with Cypress, testing a React web app using different tests, end-to-end visual testing with Cypress, visual cross-browser & cross-platform testing, and CICD with Github actions.

The course is free of charge and well-explained, but it may be challenging for Windows users who are new to Automation Testing. The author's dedication to making the course accessible to novices and manual testers is appreciated and the course is designed for intermediate developers looking to learn component testing using the Cypress language.

The course is a great resource for those looking to become a Selenium Automation Engineer and is a great way to start their JavaScript learning journey.

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 Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE or Huge discount

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