Learn Social Engineering From Scratch | Bestseller Cyber Security Social Engineering 82% off COUPON CODE


Learn Social Engineering From Scratch |  Bestseller Cyber Security Social Engineering 82% off COUPON CODE 

Learn how to hack accounts & personal devices (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux & Android) & how to secure yourself from hackers

 Note. The content of this course was not covered in any of my other courses except for some basics. While social engineering is covered in one of my other courses, this course only covers the basics, where this course dives much deeper into the topic, covering more techniques, more operating systems, advanced exploits, advanced mail behavior, security bypass , and more! 
 Welcome to this in-depth course on social engineering! In this course you will start as a beginner with no prior knowledge of hacking and by the end of it you will be advanced in social technology and able to hack  all major operating systems (Windows, OS X, Linux and Android) like black. hat hacker and protect yourself from hackers. 
  This course focuses on the practical side of social engineering without neglecting the theory. First, you learn how to install the necessary software (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X), then the course is divided into several parts to describe the steps you would take to successfully hack a target using social engineering. 
  1. Data Collection - Before you do anything you need to know about your target,  this section will teach you how to collect data about your target, whether it's a business, a website or just a person. You will learn how to find everything related to a target, such as websites, links, companies, users, emails, phone numbers, friends, social network accounts, etc. You will also learn how to graph all  this information and use it to create. smart attack strategy. 
  2. Create the Malware - Now that you have gathered enough information about your target and come up with an attack strategy, the next step is to create custom malware that will attract the target. In this section, you'll learn how to create malicious files (files that perform desired tasks  on a target computer), including backdoors, keyloggers, credentials, and more. These files  work on all operating systems (Windows, OS X, Linux and Android). You will also learn how to enhance these files to avoid antivirus and make them look and act like any  file (such as an image or pdf), or even embed them into a Microsoft-authorized document. Office documents. 
 3. Delivery Methods - Now that you have your custom Trojan ready, in this section you'll learn some social engineering techniques to deliver it to a target,  create fake websites that look identical to  the target's trusted websites, and send emails that appear to come through. of targeted funds and use them to infiltrate the targeted fake login pages and fake updates. You will also learn advanced social engineering techniques to trick your target into visiting a bad URL and hack  their system to even communicate with them. 
  4. Using Post  - In this section, you'll learn how to interact with the systems you've landed on, whether they're running Windows, Linux, OS X or even Android. You will learn how to access a file system and#40;read/write/download/execute and#41;, maintain your privileges, extend your privileges, spy on a target, use the target computer as a rotary switch to hack other computers. . , and more! If your target uses Android, you will also learn how to read their messages, find their location, access  other accounts like Whatsapp, Facebook, etc. and much more! 
 Finally, at the end of the course, you will learn how to protect yourself and your systems from these attacks. 
  All the attacks in this course are practical attacks that work against real computers. For each technique, you will understand the theory behind it and how it works, then you will learn how to use the technique in  real life, so  of  course you can modify or combine these techniques  to develop more powerful attacks. and deploy them in different scenarios and  operating systems.  With this course, you get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions, you can send them to the QandA section and we will answer you within 15 hours.  
 This course is designed for educational purposes only, and all  attacks take place in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test. 
  This course is entirely a product of Zaid Sabi and zSecurity and is not affiliated with any other organization  or  certification exam. However, you will receive a certificate from Udemy for completing the course, in addition to PARTICIPATION IN ANY OTHER ORGANIZATION.


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